Saturday, October 31, 2020

week of October 26th to 30

 Grade 1 and 2

This week we read the book Mommy By Maurice Sendak. Our little baby monster goes through the book searching his mommy. We meet vampires, Frankenstein, werewolves etc. The kids just love the book its so pretty (and its 3D so they just go crazy over it!). 

We also played some Halloween bingo and a Halloween Bingo during this special Halloween week.

Grade 3 
We are still working on our written text and we should finish it this week. The students have been working very hard and doing well. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

week of October 19th to 23rd

 Grade 1

This week we read the book The Sqeaky Door by Margaret Read MacDonald. The story is about a little boy who had a sqeaky door and made him afraid of sleeping alone at grandma's house. Grandma tried to bring the cat, the dog, the pig and other animals to help him but nothing worked... Ask your kids what happens next. 

We also learned a new song this week so here it is: 

Grade 2
This week we read the book Room On a Broom by Julia Donalson. They then did a sequencing activity then a coop drawing activty with my intern Miss Carla. The students had to read sentences to their partner and the partner had to colour the images the correct colour. They had a lot of fun!

Grade 3
This week some students had their listening test and body parts review. We have now started to write our first English text. We are going super slowly as to ensure that everyone will do well! They are working super hard and well.

Please don't forget our English Challenges for the month of October. I will be verifying on Tuesday!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Week of October 12th to 16th

 Grade 1

Since this week we had a day off on Monday I only saw most of my grade 1 classes for 30 minutes. Some classes read the story There was a little old lady who was not afraid of anything by Linda Williams or Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman. We also learned a new Halloween song and the saying Trick or Treat and Happy Halloween. Here is the link to the super fun song we learned:

Hello Hello Trick or Treat by Super Simple Songs

Grade 2

This week we read the story There was an old Lady who Swallowed some leaves By Lucille Colandro. We learned vocabulary like: scarecrow, hay, pants, shirt, pole, rope. We reviewed the events of the story and then the students had a workpage to complete as to show me they understood the story. They did very well and participate super well!

Grade 3
This week we had a reading comprehension on Tuesday and corrected that during class. If you look inside your children's New Adventures the test is graded and will be part of their report card grade. The evaluation was out  of     \15. 
The other classes I saw on Thursday, had a 'Station Class' as to review the body parts for their test next week and their writing project. A 'Station Class' is a class where the kids have 8 minutes per station to complete the work: 
  • station 1) memory game on body parts,
  • station 2) boardgame on body parts and 
  • station 3) labelling the body parts
  • station 4) a cootie catcher on body parts (fabrication d'un coin-coin)
The students worked hard and were able to review the body parts while having fun!

Important information:
** Listening Test Next Tuesday**
** October challenges to be completed by the end of the month:

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Week of October 5th to 9th, 2020

 Grade 1

This week we started on our Halloween theme. We read the book Big Pumkin By Erica Silvermann. We learned words like: witch, vampire, pumpkin, mummy, pumpkin pie, bat. We then worked on a cutting and gluing activity where the students had to place the story in chronological order. They were super good!

and here is the link to the song that we learned when monsters come near us: GO AWAY!
vocabulary for the song: go away, goblin, squeleton, spider and bat

Grade 2
This week we worked on the book Pete the Cat loves His White Shoes by Eric Litwin. The kids LOVE Pete the cat!
Pete had a little trouble keeping his shoes white because he stepped in a pile of strawberries, then blueberries then mud... Ask your kids what happens next. We then had two work pages that we completed in class. They really understood the book well and they love to participate! Oh and ask them to sing to you the song! ;-)

Grade 3
A. This week we worked really hard and learned adjective placement in English. In English, we place our adjectives before the noun ex:
1) two large ears NOT two ears large
2) two short legs NOT two legs short

B. We also learned our 3rd person singular pronouns 

** Please look at your kid's agenda and encourage them to study their New Adventures: 
body parts p.15
adjectives p.19
and pronouns p. 21 
Listening test : week of October 19th
Reading comprehension evaluation : week of October 12th **

Week of September 28th to October 2nd, 2020

 Grade 1 

This week we worked on colours again and we became super colour detectives. The students had to make a magnifying glass. Then they walked around the classroom finding the different colours. It was very cute and a the kids were super good! They really know their colours!

Here is the link to the song that we worked on this week:

I see something PINK from Super Simple Songs

And here is the other song we worked on to have them sit down for story time:

Can you make a circle from Super Simple Songs

Grade 2

We are slowly starting to work on our Halloween theme so we read the story I want A Monster By Elise Gravel. The little girl in the story wants a monster and goes to the store to buy one. She has to feed it, train it and love it. The students then had to draw and invent a monster that they would like to adopt. They did a super job and worked so well!

Grade 3

This week we continued working on body parts and played the game Simon Says (Jean Dit). It is a wonderful game to play with your kids to help them practice their body parts in English. They are working very hard and are doing a great job!