Wednesday, December 16, 2020

For the Bingo game


Bonjour chers parents,

Pour la partie de Bingo vous aurez deux choix :

1)      1) Soit vous imprimer la page d’image et vous découper les images et les mettez dans un sac et vous pigez les images pour vos enfants 



2)   2) Vous mettez la vidéo de Miss Elisabeth qui pige pour les élèves. Si votre enfant est en 1ère ou 2ième année, mettez la vidéo 1er cycle. Et si votre enfant est en 3ème année, mettez la vidéo gr3.

  •        1er cycle ici
  •        gr3 ici

Merci, Miss Elisabeth

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

English Activities for December 17 and 18th

Bonjour chers parents,

voici l'accès aux document pour l’anglais de votre enfant.

Grade 1 and 2

 plan de travail 

Documents à imprimer au besoin:: 

Grade 3

Documents à imprimer au besoin:: 


Happy Holidays,  Miss Elisabeth

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Nouvelles de Miss Tulip

Comme vous le saviez, l’année dernière nous avions une nouvelle élève: Miss Tulip. En octobre dernier, elle est allée chez Mira pour une semaine d’évaluation. Voici le bulletin de notre Miss Tulip et sa qualification. Elle a été qualifiée chien reproducteur. Ceci veut dire que notre Tulip sera maman de nouveaux petits bébés Mira! Et qui sait… peut-être qu’un jour je reprendrai un de ses bébés afin de recommencer l’aventure avec l’école D’Iberville.

Bravo Miss Tulip!!!


Monday, December 7, 2020

week of November 30th to December 4th

 Grade 1

This week we learned the song Put on your shoes (we changed it to boots) by Super Simple Songs. The kids had to learn different clothing they need to wear in winter and a bit about the seasons. We then played a game of categorizing the clothes in the correct season. The kids were really good and they had a lot of fun. Then we worked on an activity page writing the clothing items and then they got to colour. 

Here is the link to the song:

Put on your boots

Grade 2

This week we read the book Who will Guide My Sleigh Tonight by Jerry Pallotta. The kids saw the different animals Santa tried to train to pull his sleigh and they often came out as a disaster! The students then had to give their suggestion to Santa on what animal he should use to pull his sleigh. The kids did a wonderful job!

Grade 3
This week we did a fun walking around activity. The kids had to walk around and read the text then write down the animal on the page. They did really well. We then started our written text that the kids will finish this week. They are working really well.

Monday, November 30, 2020

week of November 23rd to 27th

 Grade 1

This work we learned a new song to add to our daily 'How are you' sessions: If You're Happy by Super Simple Songs. The kids are now able to answer me with a happy, sleepy, mad or scared. They just love learning new songs!

We also read the book There was an old lady who swallowed a fly by Simms Taback. The students LOVED the book!

Grade 3

We are still working on our animal unit. We are working on making a riddle (qui suis-je) with adjectives, verbs. We are working hard.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Week of November 16th to 18th

 Grade 1

This week we learned and sang the song Five Little Monkeys jumping on the Bed by Super Simple Songs. We had a lot of fun working on learning the song and the page. Here is the link for you to enjoy at home!

five little monkeys

Grade 2

We read the story The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland. Our friend the bear get woken up by a zebra, lion, moose and a sheep and he is not happy. The animals each have a solution to propose to the bear to be happy but all Bear wants is to sleep... Ask your kids the rest of the story! They then had to illustrate the story and what each animal brought to the bear to cheer him up. It was a good class.

Grade 3

We are continuing the Animal unit and working hard. The students are participating well. Please encourage them to work on their English vocabulary to learn. 

Week of November 2nd to 6th

 Grade 1

Last week we read the book Brown bear, Brown bear what do you see? This week we worked on the book with games like a memory game, a puzzle and an animal matching to the colour game. The students LOVED it. We had a lot of fun and the kids got to review the animals and the colours we worked on in the book.

Grade 2 

This week we read the book Polar bear, Polar bear what do you hear? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. The kids then had to place the animals in order and write the correct words under the images. 

The other classes read the book The very Hungry bear by Nick Bland. It is about a hungry bear that befriends a polar bear and helps him find a home for the winter in exchange for some fish. The kids really loved the story. We then had a sequencing workpage to do and the kids had to put the story in order.

Grade 3

This week we started a new unit on animals. The students will learn about the places the animals live, adjectives and verbs (actions) related to the unit. Please look inside their agenda as the have to start studying the verbs, animals and adjectives related to the animal unit we are working on in class. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week of November 2nd to 6th

 Grade 1

This week we read the book Brown bear Brown bear, what do you see? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. The students went through the different colours and animals. We then had a board game where the students practiced their colours and animals. Then we had an activity page where the students had to complete. We had a lot of fun repeating and working on our book.

We also learned a new song: 

Let's go to the zoo

Red light Green light

Grade 2

This week we read the book We're going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. A family decided to go on an adventure and go on a bear hunt. They have to go through a lot of different places! It is a wonderful book to have the students participate! We also learned the song : We're going on a bear hunt. Try it at home your kids love it!

Grade 3

We are on our last stretch of writing the final draft of our text. The kids should be finished on Tuesday and Thursday we will be starting a new unit. The students will also be receiving their November Challenge page. The kids have to complete the page of things to do to practice English during the month. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

week of October 26th to 30

 Grade 1 and 2

This week we read the book Mommy By Maurice Sendak. Our little baby monster goes through the book searching his mommy. We meet vampires, Frankenstein, werewolves etc. The kids just love the book its so pretty (and its 3D so they just go crazy over it!). 

We also played some Halloween bingo and a Halloween Bingo during this special Halloween week.

Grade 3 
We are still working on our written text and we should finish it this week. The students have been working very hard and doing well. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

week of October 19th to 23rd

 Grade 1

This week we read the book The Sqeaky Door by Margaret Read MacDonald. The story is about a little boy who had a sqeaky door and made him afraid of sleeping alone at grandma's house. Grandma tried to bring the cat, the dog, the pig and other animals to help him but nothing worked... Ask your kids what happens next. 

We also learned a new song this week so here it is: 

Grade 2
This week we read the book Room On a Broom by Julia Donalson. They then did a sequencing activity then a coop drawing activty with my intern Miss Carla. The students had to read sentences to their partner and the partner had to colour the images the correct colour. They had a lot of fun!

Grade 3
This week some students had their listening test and body parts review. We have now started to write our first English text. We are going super slowly as to ensure that everyone will do well! They are working super hard and well.

Please don't forget our English Challenges for the month of October. I will be verifying on Tuesday!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Week of October 12th to 16th

 Grade 1

Since this week we had a day off on Monday I only saw most of my grade 1 classes for 30 minutes. Some classes read the story There was a little old lady who was not afraid of anything by Linda Williams or Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman. We also learned a new Halloween song and the saying Trick or Treat and Happy Halloween. Here is the link to the super fun song we learned:

Hello Hello Trick or Treat by Super Simple Songs

Grade 2

This week we read the story There was an old Lady who Swallowed some leaves By Lucille Colandro. We learned vocabulary like: scarecrow, hay, pants, shirt, pole, rope. We reviewed the events of the story and then the students had a workpage to complete as to show me they understood the story. They did very well and participate super well!

Grade 3
This week we had a reading comprehension on Tuesday and corrected that during class. If you look inside your children's New Adventures the test is graded and will be part of their report card grade. The evaluation was out  of     \15. 
The other classes I saw on Thursday, had a 'Station Class' as to review the body parts for their test next week and their writing project. A 'Station Class' is a class where the kids have 8 minutes per station to complete the work: 
  • station 1) memory game on body parts,
  • station 2) boardgame on body parts and 
  • station 3) labelling the body parts
  • station 4) a cootie catcher on body parts (fabrication d'un coin-coin)
The students worked hard and were able to review the body parts while having fun!

Important information:
** Listening Test Next Tuesday**
** October challenges to be completed by the end of the month:

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Week of October 5th to 9th, 2020

 Grade 1

This week we started on our Halloween theme. We read the book Big Pumkin By Erica Silvermann. We learned words like: witch, vampire, pumpkin, mummy, pumpkin pie, bat. We then worked on a cutting and gluing activity where the students had to place the story in chronological order. They were super good!

and here is the link to the song that we learned when monsters come near us: GO AWAY!
vocabulary for the song: go away, goblin, squeleton, spider and bat

Grade 2
This week we worked on the book Pete the Cat loves His White Shoes by Eric Litwin. The kids LOVE Pete the cat!
Pete had a little trouble keeping his shoes white because he stepped in a pile of strawberries, then blueberries then mud... Ask your kids what happens next. We then had two work pages that we completed in class. They really understood the book well and they love to participate! Oh and ask them to sing to you the song! ;-)

Grade 3
A. This week we worked really hard and learned adjective placement in English. In English, we place our adjectives before the noun ex:
1) two large ears NOT two ears large
2) two short legs NOT two legs short

B. We also learned our 3rd person singular pronouns 

** Please look at your kid's agenda and encourage them to study their New Adventures: 
body parts p.15
adjectives p.19
and pronouns p. 21 
Listening test : week of October 19th
Reading comprehension evaluation : week of October 12th **

Week of September 28th to October 2nd, 2020

 Grade 1 

This week we worked on colours again and we became super colour detectives. The students had to make a magnifying glass. Then they walked around the classroom finding the different colours. It was very cute and a the kids were super good! They really know their colours!

Here is the link to the song that we worked on this week:

I see something PINK from Super Simple Songs

And here is the other song we worked on to have them sit down for story time:

Can you make a circle from Super Simple Songs

Grade 2

We are slowly starting to work on our Halloween theme so we read the story I want A Monster By Elise Gravel. The little girl in the story wants a monster and goes to the store to buy one. She has to feed it, train it and love it. The students then had to draw and invent a monster that they would like to adopt. They did a super job and worked so well!

Grade 3

This week we continued working on body parts and played the game Simon Says (Jean Dit). It is a wonderful game to play with your kids to help them practice their body parts in English. They are working very hard and are doing a great job!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Week of September 21st to 25th

 This week we :

Grade 1

We are still working on colours and we read the story Pete the cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons by James Dean. We then did a workpage to accompany the book. The kids are expert colour detectives! Here are the songs we are working on:

Book Reading: Pete The Cat and his 4 Groovy Buttons

Hello Hello by Super Simple Songs

Bye Bye by Super Simple Songs

Grade 2

We are slowly going to start working on Halloween so we started by reading the book I Want a Monster By Elise Gravel. The students will then need to create their own monster and write a few words describing their monster. They have a lot of imagination!

Grade 3

We started a new unit on Body Parts and worked on vocabulary related to this. The students will have to write a little text describing a new avatar (for a video game), a listening comprehension and a reading comprehension. They will need to work hard, but they can do it! Here are the vocabulary words they will need to study and work on for this unit.            (New Adventures Edition CEC p. 15)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

This week September 14th to 18th

  This is what we did in English class this week:

Grade 1

We always start the class by asking the students "How are you?' Here is the link to the video to practice at home: 

Hello how are you? by Super Simple Songs

We are continuing our work on learning colours. I read them the book 'What colour is your underwear' by Sam Lloyd. Oh what fun we had! The students then had to work on colouring and writing the colours on the workpage. 

Grade 2
We read the book 'David goes to school' By David Shannon. A great book to work on good or bad  school behaviour. We then did a sorting activity then we had a workpage that goes along with the book. The students had to circle the correct behaviour and put an X on bad behaviour.

Grade 3
We had the test this week and the students did really well. I am proud of their work. We continued working on our resource pages: colours, numbers and school objects. We also had an English game period where the kids got to work with the vocabulary we have been learning. We had fun. 

Great work everyone!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

This week: September 8th to 11th, 2020

 This is what we did in English class this week:

Grade 1

We worked on colours and learned a new song. We played a detective game of finding colours around the classroom and on their clothes. If you want to practice with your kids at home you can ask them to show you their new song. It goes like this: (sur l'air de frère Jacques)

Blue Yellow Red

Purple Pink

Orange Brown and Green

Black and White

Grade 2

I asked the students what they did this summer. They had to write a simple sentence and made a drawing of this activity. The students also had to present their drawing and text, They were so cute and proud! 

Grade 3

We worked on school objects and the correct determiner that goes in front. (Ex: an eraser, a pen, colouring pencils). They have a little listening test next week so the students should all have their New Adventures to study the words.      New Adventures p. 6, Édition CEC

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Welcome back to school!!

 I hope you had a great summer and that you are ready for our extraordinary new school year!!!

See you soon superheros!

Monday, June 29, 2020


Finally Summer break is here! I hope you all have a wonderful and fun summer. Don't forget to practice your English! Here is my padlet for you. You will find a lot of sites to help you practice:

See you in September!
Take care,
 Miss Elisabeth and Tulip

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Grade 3 Capsule week of June 1st

This is our first capsule for grade 3. We will review adjectives. 

They can practice the adjectives and their category with the following powerpoint. 

Please send your homework to me @

Thank you!