Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Week of March 7th to 10th

 Grade 1

This week we worked on winter clothes and read the story Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London. The Students then had to work on a page and match the clothing item to the correct colour. The students had to read the colour. If you want to practice at home you can play a miming game of what I put on in winter: I put on my ___________. (mime a hat and your child can guess what is the clothing item).

Vocabulary to review: Hat, mittens, scarf, jacket, boots, snowpants.


Grade 2
This week we worked on months of the year. We learned them then we placed them in the correct order and then we noticed the similarities between the French and English months. The students are working hard and learning well. I keep reminding them that they will be having a test in April about this so they are being attentive. 

Vocabulary to review: days of the week, months of the year.

Grade 3

This week we started the new unit on Safari animals. We will be reading about animals and talking about where they live and what actions they do (jump, run, crawl, roar etc). We will also do a writing task at the end of the unit. 

A reminder: I give recuperation to grade 3 students at lunch on Wednesdays. If you are interested to have your child attend please send me an email @emarie.sommerville@csmv.qc.ca.

Thank you and have a great week!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Week of February 7th to 10th

Grade 1 

This week we worked on a our 'snowman' booklet. We worked hard on making a little book on what goes on a snowman. The students LOVED it! They were allowed to bring their work home and finish the project at home. 

Grade 2

This week we worked on hot/cold classification. The students had to place the clothing items in the correct category (hot weather or cold weather). We also read the book 'The biggest snowman'. And we also drew a Olaf snowman through this tutorial: How to draw Olaf tutorial


 Grade 3

This week we finished our written project. I will be correcting the text and giving it back to the students next week. The students will have one last class on clothing then we will be starting a new theme after March Break.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Week of January 28th to February 4th

 Grade 1

This week we continued our work on weather and read the story Maisy's Wonderful Weather Book! We worked on vocabulary like: how's the weather? it's cloudy, it's windy, it's sunny, it's snowy etc. 

How's the weather Super Simple Songs

I'm a little snowman

 Grade 2

This week we continued working on our winter theme and talked about winter clothing. We read the story Froggy gets dressed by Jonathan London. We talked about clothes like: jacket, boots, hat, socks, mittens, scarf etc. We then did a co-op activity where the students had to pair up and tell each other what clothing item to colour and what colour. They had a lot of fun! 

 Grade 3 

This week we worked on our reading comprehension and we finished it. I will be correcting it and giving it back to the students by next week. We started working on our written project. They will have next class then I will be picking that one up as well to correct. The kids are working super hard these past few weeks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Week of January 24th to 26th

 Grade 1

This week we worked on the weather and knowing how to say the weather in English. We sang the song: How's the weather By Super Simple Songs

We then made our own 'weather wheel' that the kids could bring home to practice saying the weather in English at home! 

 Grade 2 
This week we worked on learning the words Hot and Cold. The students then had to classify the different objects into the right column (hot\cold). We also had a little tutorial on drawing a snowman, that we did not finish yet.

 Grade 3
This week we continued our work on the clothing unit in our New Adventures activity book. We started our reading comprehension (1st reading) and went over the vocabulary found in the text. We worked on the understanding of the text and made sure the students understand what it is about. Next week will be a second reading then they will have a reading comprehension evaluation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Week of January 17th to 20th

Grade 3

This week we continued working on our clothes and accessories. The students had to finish their bingo page also so that they can play with those who had completed it as homework. We worked on the written task and we worked on learning our vocabulary. 

Grade 2

This week we continued working on our winter theme and read the story Snow By Roy Mckie and P.D Eastman. We explore the different winter activities that we can do in the snow. The students then had to make a page to describe their favourite winter activity. The drawings are really well done! Good job!

 Grade 1

This week we continued our winter theme and worked on snowman. We read the story of a snowman that was always cold. His name was Sneezy. He found a few solutions but they were not the best ideas. It was a good thing that he had friends to help him find new ideas to keep him warm! 

Here is a link to the song we are learning on snowmen too: I'm a little Snowman By Super Simple Songs

Friday, January 7, 2022

Horaire TEAMS semaine du 10 au 13 janvier

 Bonjour et Bonne Année!!!

Voici l'horaire du cours d'anglais de votre enfant la semaine prochaine. 

Svp préparer votre crayon à la mine, ciseaux, efface, colle en baton, crayons de couleurs ainsi que la feuille pour l'activité du jour (ceci sera envoyé par courriel à imprimer svp). 

lien pour feuille d'activité à imprimer et ou préparer: 

1ère année : documents à imprimer

2ème année: documents à imprimer

3ème année: leur livre New Adventures

Merci beaucoup!

le cours est prévu pour 45mins mais je resterais en ligne pour 15mins pour toutes questions.