Monday, November 30, 2020

week of November 23rd to 27th

 Grade 1

This work we learned a new song to add to our daily 'How are you' sessions: If You're Happy by Super Simple Songs. The kids are now able to answer me with a happy, sleepy, mad or scared. They just love learning new songs!

We also read the book There was an old lady who swallowed a fly by Simms Taback. The students LOVED the book!

Grade 3

We are still working on our animal unit. We are working on making a riddle (qui suis-je) with adjectives, verbs. We are working hard.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Week of November 16th to 18th

 Grade 1

This week we learned and sang the song Five Little Monkeys jumping on the Bed by Super Simple Songs. We had a lot of fun working on learning the song and the page. Here is the link for you to enjoy at home!

five little monkeys

Grade 2

We read the story The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland. Our friend the bear get woken up by a zebra, lion, moose and a sheep and he is not happy. The animals each have a solution to propose to the bear to be happy but all Bear wants is to sleep... Ask your kids the rest of the story! They then had to illustrate the story and what each animal brought to the bear to cheer him up. It was a good class.

Grade 3

We are continuing the Animal unit and working hard. The students are participating well. Please encourage them to work on their English vocabulary to learn. 

Week of November 2nd to 6th

 Grade 1

Last week we read the book Brown bear, Brown bear what do you see? This week we worked on the book with games like a memory game, a puzzle and an animal matching to the colour game. The students LOVED it. We had a lot of fun and the kids got to review the animals and the colours we worked on in the book.

Grade 2 

This week we read the book Polar bear, Polar bear what do you hear? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. The kids then had to place the animals in order and write the correct words under the images. 

The other classes read the book The very Hungry bear by Nick Bland. It is about a hungry bear that befriends a polar bear and helps him find a home for the winter in exchange for some fish. The kids really loved the story. We then had a sequencing workpage to do and the kids had to put the story in order.

Grade 3

This week we started a new unit on animals. The students will learn about the places the animals live, adjectives and verbs (actions) related to the unit. Please look inside their agenda as the have to start studying the verbs, animals and adjectives related to the animal unit we are working on in class. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week of November 2nd to 6th

 Grade 1

This week we read the book Brown bear Brown bear, what do you see? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. The students went through the different colours and animals. We then had a board game where the students practiced their colours and animals. Then we had an activity page where the students had to complete. We had a lot of fun repeating and working on our book.

We also learned a new song: 

Let's go to the zoo

Red light Green light

Grade 2

This week we read the book We're going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. A family decided to go on an adventure and go on a bear hunt. They have to go through a lot of different places! It is a wonderful book to have the students participate! We also learned the song : We're going on a bear hunt. Try it at home your kids love it!

Grade 3

We are on our last stretch of writing the final draft of our text. The kids should be finished on Tuesday and Thursday we will be starting a new unit. The students will also be receiving their November Challenge page. The kids have to complete the page of things to do to practice English during the month.