Grade 1
This week we started on our Halloween theme. We read the book Big Pumkin By Erica Silvermann. We learned words like: witch, vampire, pumpkin, mummy, pumpkin pie, bat. We then worked on a cutting and gluing activity where the students had to place the story in chronological order. They were super good!
and here is the link to the song that we learned when monsters come near us: GO AWAY!
vocabulary for the song: go away, goblin, squeleton, spider and bat
Grade 2
This week we worked on the book Pete the Cat loves His White Shoes by Eric Litwin. The kids LOVE Pete the cat!
Pete had a little trouble keeping his shoes white because he stepped in a pile of strawberries, then blueberries then mud... Ask your kids what happens next. We then had two work pages that we completed in class. They really understood the book well and they love to participate! Oh and ask them to sing to you the song! ;-)
Grade 3
A. This week we worked really hard and learned adjective placement in English. In English, we place our adjectives before the noun ex:
1) two large ears NOT two ears large
2) two short legs NOT two legs short
B. We also learned our 3rd person singular pronouns
** Please look at your kid's agenda and encourage them to study their New Adventures:
body parts p.15
adjectives p.19
and pronouns p. 21
Listening test : week of October 19th
Reading comprehension evaluation : week of October 12th **